Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How Much Are Singing Lessons for Kids Find Out Here

How Much Are Singing Lessons for Kids Find Out Here Megan L. Among all the activities your child has to choose from â€" from sports and dance to book clubs and scouting â€" is it worth signing him or her up for singing lessons? Absolutely! If the interest is there, private lessons can be a great way to introduce them to music and build their confidence. But in addition to the valuable musical talent your child can develop, consider all the additional benefits of singing lessons you may not have thought of: Higher self-esteem Better studying and focusing skills Increased brain function, math skills, and overall intelligence Heightened listening, speaking, and communication skills Improved leadership skills Greater artistic awareness and creativity Increased ability to express ideas and connect with others through music With this small glimpse at what singing lessons can do for your child, the next important question youll likely ask is, how much are singing lessons for kids? The price is certainly not set in stone. How Much Are Singing Lessons For Kids? The average price for vocal instructors who teach children and teens is around $25 per 30-minute singing lesson. More expensive voice teachers may charge $35 or more for a 30-minute lesson.  What makes the difference? Why do some voice teachers charge a higher rate than others? Consider the following factors: Experience Teaching Children The first major factor is the specific experience your teacher has. Youth voice teachers sometimes charge a higher rate because this age group requires a specialized teaching method.  Particularly in children younger than 10 years old, the teacher needs a level of patience and experience to keep the student’s interest and hone their musical abilities. Ultimately, finding a voice teacher who is good with kids is critical to your child’s success and is worth the extra fee they may charge for their specialty. The Teacher’s Formal Training You may be able to find a family friend who enjoys singing and is good with kids, but these two qualities alone don’t make a qualified voice teacher. Instead, youll want to choose an instructor who has formal training. Some teachers have a certificate they earned in a few months, while others may have completed a Bachelors or Master of Music degree that took four years or more to earn. These degrees vary and include titles such as Vocal Performance and Music Education. The more training and experience a voice teacher has, the more they are likely to charge. The Student’s Level of Proficiency Unless your child has taken singing lessons in the past, you are probably safe finding an instructor who teaches beginner- to intermediate-level material.  No matter what competency level voice instructors say they teach, however, look for one who uses a proven training technique with some proof behind why it works. The specific techniques you want your child to learn early on include proper breathing, staying on pitch, projecting the voice (safely), and vocal endurance. Singing Style You may assume that you need to work with a vocal teacher who is proficient in the style you want your child to learn whether thats opera, country, gospel, Broadway, classical, or jazz.  While it’s true that there’s a huge difference between a country singer and an opera singer, standard basic techniques serve as the building blocks for all types of singing styles. Keep this in mind as your child grows and their singing talent expands. Until then, choosing a teacher that can teach the basics is a perfectly adequate choice and can often save you money. Lesson Length Of course, the length of your lesson will also affect the price you pay. Children tend to have shorter attention spans than adults, so most youth voice teachers recommend starting with 30-minute or 45-minute sessions. Once your child progresses into more advanced techniques, its a good idea to increase the length to an hour, which allows for more time to warm up at the beginning of the lesson.  Of course, consult your teacher for his or her recommendation on this. Location If you live in an area of the country with a higher cost of living, you can expect your singing lessons to be more expensive. Teachers living in big cities tend to have higher going rates than those in smaller, rural locations.  However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re at the mercy of higher rates if you live in New York or Los Angeles. Another option is to sign your child up to take lessons with a teacher who conducts live, online singing lessons via video chat. This can be the perfect solution and eliminate the need to chauffeur your child to yet another weekly event. So, are you ready to get your child on the road to developing his or her natural singing talent? Now that you know the answer to How much are singing lessons for kids?, you can move on to the next step finding your teacher! With a great singing teacher guiding your child along, you can set him or her up for success and a lifetime of learning and fun! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher  Photo  by Angie Garrett

Friday, March 6, 2020

Equivalent Expressions

Equivalent Expressions Equivalent expressions are the basically two equal expressions. It is denoted by the symbol =. Expressions are said to be equivalent if and only if two expressions are same by substituting the values of variables. For example: - 3x + 4 = 2y +4, this expression is said t be equivalent if the value of x =2 and the value of y = 3. Let us clear our understanding by taking suitable examples. Question 1:- If the following relation holds: - 2x+ 2 = 10 +2 then evaluate the value of x. Solution 1:- Given 2x+2 = 10 +2 Step 1:- First let us solve Right hand side 2x + 2 = 12 Step 2:- Now we need to subtract w from both sides 2x + 2-2 = 12-2 2x = 10 Step 3:- To evaluate the value of x, now we need to divide by 2 in both sides of the equation 2x/2 = 10 /2 Therefore, x =5 is the required solution. Question 2:- If 3x + 10 = 2y +5, then evaluate one value of x and y. Solution 2:- Given expression is: 3x + 10 = 2y + 5 This problem needs to be solved by the hit and trial method, only thing here is we should focus that both the expressions are equivalent. By hit and trial method, the value of x seems to be 5 and y seems to be 10 Check: - Left Hand Side = 3(5) + 10 = 25 Right Hand Side = 2(10) + 5 = 25 Since Left hand side = Right hand side Therefore x = 5 and y = 10 is the required solution.

A Day in the Life at the University of Oregon

A Day in the Life at the University of Oregon Jesse earned his bachelors degree in human physiology and Spanish from the University of Oregon. He specializes in geometry tutoring, Spanish tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, he shares his experience at the University of Oregon. Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Jesse: Eugene, OR is a very bike-friendly community, which makes biking to campus a viable option. While I hardly ever took the bus to campus since I lived within walking distance, I heard from multiple people that there were several easy-to-access bus routes to campus. Although Eugene is a city of over 100,000 people, the large amount of trees and greenery on campus gives it a more rustic feel than you would expect for a campus of its size. Campus is also very safe. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Jesse:Although I didnt make as much use of office hours as I should have, the few times I did go, the professors were readily available. However, at least in my human physiology major, the TAs were more approachable than the professors. It seemed like the professors would rather be doing research than teaching. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Jesse:When I was in the dorms, the dining choices were decent, but somewhat limited. However, after my sophomore year, they opened up a new dorm complex with much better dining options. Most of the dorms are located close to campus, if not right on campus. I was fortunate enough to never be more than a 10 minute walk from my dorm to class. I joined a fraternity and dont remember much about other socialization options in the dorms. That being said, I do remember there being various clubs to join and other social activities that the housing staff would host. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Jesse:Business and journalism are hands down the most popular and some of the best-supported majors on campus. I studied human physiology and Spanish. Unfortunately, when I was a student, the human physiology major was poorly supported. The human physiology program has undergone a major overhaul since I graduated, and there are many more classes to take that focus on specific aspects of human physiology that were not available when I was a student. The Spanish program seemed to have all the support it needed. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Jesse:Although I met most of my friends through Greek life, its fairly easy to meet new people as a freshman between classes, clubs, and the proximity of the various dorms. My advice for someone who is not a part of Greek life is to join some sort of club or team, as it makes meeting people much easier. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Jesse:The course that I took through the career center provided tips on networking, job hunting skills, and resume polishing tips. Although I didnt find my first post-college job through them, I was under the impression that many reputable companies recruit through U of Os career center. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Jesse:I preferred to study off campus, but when I did study on campus, there were multiple libraries to study in, as well as the student union. However, like any university, these spots get crowded around midterms and finals, so plan your study times accordingly. Describe the surrounding town. Jesse:There is a lot to do in Eugene. There are plenty of restaurants, an amazing farmers market, and some nice hiking and biking trails. However, many of these fun activities are a long walk from campus, so if you dont have a car, youll likely have to take the bus. As great as these amenities are, I didnt visit downtown much until I was a fifth-year student. So, from my experience, it seemed like students remained close to the campus as opposed to going into town. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Jesse:Although the student body has grown considerably since I was a student, it seemed like a reasonable size when I was there. Some of my prerequisite classes were fairly big, with over 400 students. I was happy with my human physiology major courses, where the number of students was around 100. Class sizes were sometimes less than 30 for my upper division Spanish classes. Check out Jesses tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

14 Phrasal Verbs with Talk Learn English with Harry ????

14 Phrasal Verbs with Talk Learn English with Harry ???? Learn 14 phrasal verbs with TALK here. Learn talk at somebody meaning, talk around something meaning, talk back meaning, talk something down meaning, talk down to somebody meaning . with examples and infographics. 14 Phrasal Verbs with Talk TALK OVER SOMETHING?? Meaning: to discuss somethingAfter picking up my friends we went out for dinner and pizza to talk over our weekend plans.TALK AT SOMEONE?? Meaning: to speak to someone without listening or letting them to speakShe talked at me the entire time. Didnt ask how I was, how life was, didnt ask me anything at all really. TALK AROUND SOMETHING?? Meaning: to avoid discussing the important parts of a problem or issueA few of them just talked around the subject with little reference to the case study.TALK BACK?? Meaning: to reply to someone in a rude or impolite manner, usually small children do thisMy son used to talk back to the teacher when he was small. 14 Phrasal Verbs with Talk TALK SOMETHING DOWN?? Meaning: to speak or think of something as having less importance or worthThe secretary has talked down the importance of sealing a global deal on climate change before the end of the year.TALK DOWN TO SOMEONE?? Meaning: to talk to someone in a way that makes them feel as if they are not as good or less intelligent than you areThis professor talks down to his first year students as if they are small children.TALK SOMETHING OUT?? Meaning: to discuss something in detail in order to find a solution or reach an agreementIm glad we talked it out. Now Im confident that we can work through any problem.TALK SOMEONE DOWN?? Meaning: to speak to and calm someone down, to prevent them from doing something life threateningWhen I came to the clinic, everyone was very caring and they talked me down out of my crisis. 14 Phrasal Verbs with Talk TALK SOMEONE INTO SOMETHING?? Meaning: to persuade someone to agree to soemthingI came in with pictures of what I thought would look good on me and she talked me into this style that I hadnt even thought of.TALK SOMEONEOUT OF SOMETHING?? Meaning: to persuade someone not to do somethingId like to go fishing, but my girlfriend is trying to talk me out of it.TALK SOMETHING THROUGH?? Meaning: to discuss something in detail, to help someone understand somethingAs we talked through the issues, I asked if I could get some proper training.TALK SOMEONE ROUND?? Meaning: to persuade someone to do something that they were againstI was against going to ballet, but Sarah eventually managed to talk me round. TALK SOMETHING/SOMEONE UP?? Meaning: to talk about something or someone in a way that makes them seem more important, successful, or better than they really areMy husband was excited to be going because I had talked up the event all week.TALK ABOUT (DOING SOMETHING)?? Meaning: to consider doing something or make plans for the futureJessica keeps talking about moving to a different country to get experience.Can you think of any examples with phrasal verbs with talk? Write them down in the comments section below ????

Writing about Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams

Writing about Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams Make sure to organize your IELTS Task 1 essay so that the reader can navigate it easily. Step 1: Give a clear overview of what the figure is about, showing that you understand the main message it conveys. Step 2: Describe the data in a systematic way (left to right, top to bottom, biggest to smallest) using numbers and words from the figure. Step 3: Compare significant elements of the figure, mentioning any trends or changes in the past, extrapolating for the future if you can. Useful chart, graph, and diagram vocabulary Some words are likely to appear in a discussion of a chart, graph, or diagram. Use the target structure checker with the following list of common chart, graph, and diagram vocabulary to see if you are using the vocabulary your readers (the examiners) are expecting to see. above, according to, apparent, are compared, are presented, bar graph, below, can be seen, chart, climbed, comparable, compares, considerable, considerably, decline, decrease, demonstrates, detailed, details, difference, dipped, diving sharply, downward, dramatic, dropped off, evident, falls, fell, fluctuation, fluctuations, gap, gradual, graph, greater, grew, grows, high, higher, highlighted, highlights, highs, histogram, illustrated, illustrates, increase, indicates, jump, leads, led, level, leveled, levelled, leveling, levelling, levels, lists, low, lower, lows, moderate, narrowed, note, number, observe, peak, peaks, period, photo, pie chart, pinpoints, plummeted, presents, proves, rapid climb, rates of, reports, reveals, remained, remains, rise, rises, rose, shown, shows, significant, slid, slight, steady, summarizes, results, value of, to every, to the left, to the right, total, trend, upward, we can see, widened, widening, widens Please follow and like us:

U.S. Parents Participate in the Education of their Kids

U.S. Parents Participate in the Education of their Kids American education does a lot to make every teacher and every parent understand the need for parental involvement in their educational process. Historically the role of parents in American school has been changing. And up until 1960 the prevalent opinion was that parents should not interfere in the work of the school. Some of the reasons for this situation was: the low level of education of many parents, their fulltime work, etc. In the seventies and especially in the eighties a movement for engaging parents in school affairs rose up. Modern parents are interested not only in family financial support, but also in the rise of academic achievement of their children and the development of positive self-esteem. Statistical studies conducted in the early 90s, proved that the development of school reform in the U.S. is slowing down due to low parental involvement in childrens education (89% of people involved in school reform, called it the main reason). Not only were teachers dissatisfied with such state of affairs, but also parents (40% of them said that they pay poor attention to the education of their kids, and 80% expressed their desire to participate actively in the work of the school) and children (72% of children aged 10-13 years and 48% aged 14-17 years indicated that they would like to talk more with parents about school, 82% of high school students believed that parents should be actively involved). Parent Enabling Policies for States, 1991, was trying to convince teachers that: · Parents have the right to take part in the selection of programs, methods and forms of education for their children, · Parents know their children better than anyone else, and this position can help professionals (teachers and psychologists) in their work, · Good parents and good teachers are equally important for the development of children, · Sometimes parents need help, additional knowledge on how to deal with children, and the teacher can help parents in that task. Here are some of the principles of working with parents, that have been formulated by the Department of Education of the State of New York (Parent Partnership, 1991): 1. Each family is unique in its way to support a child and collaborate with the school and the community. The uniqueness of the family should be respected. 2. Family, community, school they all play an important role in supporting and developing child’s mind. The basis of their partnership is trust, confidentiality and mutual respect. Participation of parents in their childrens education is to be welcomed. 3. The main task of any teacher is to provide social and emotional support to parents, a mutual exchange of information, strengthening and rainforcing parent-child dialogue, the involvement of parents in the education of the child in school and at home and support for children in further education and professional growth. 4. Establishing equal relations among school and community are not possible without the establishment of personal relationships between parents and teachers as well as between teachers and students. Some booklets describe the simplest steps to help reach out to parents. An example is the questionnaire for school personnel (adapted version) (The Parent Institute: Whats working in parent involvement, 1993): Are we friendly with parents? Is it easy to get to school? Is it easy for parents to find a teacher, head teacher and the office of the principal? Is the school open for meetings, supplementary education courses for parents and students, etc.? Do we know how to talk to the parents on the phone? Is the entire school friendly with the parents? Are we educating parents? Are we making open consultations or workshops for parents on children’s homework, discipline, motivation, etc.? A. Henderson in one of the teachers guide (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, 1990) underlines that in order for the child to be successful in school, and then later in life, the most important thing is not his IQ, income, or social status of the family, but how his parents are involved in his (or her) education. In order to support parents in this difficult and long process, there are some of the rules for the school staff: School staff should be familiar with each child. Class instructor(leader) must regularly interact with students in the class, The teacher must personally contact each family in her class at least once a month (by phone, in person or at school events) Parents should at least once a month be able to come to school. In addition to meetings, it may be holidays, open day, volunteer work, picnics, etc. For parents who want to participate in the life of the school, the school doors should be opened at any time. They can attend classes, talk with teachers and the administration and use the library and the cafeteria, etc. Also there are some guidelines and recommendations for teachers to develop contacts with the family and real life in the school. For example family photos that children bring to school, interview family members, works on the participation of family members in various events, etc. Teachers can assign homework that is not possible without the participation of the parents in order to develop the role of parents in their childrens education and to strengthen the school community. Of course, the problem of getting parents to actively participate in the learning and growth of children in the U.S. has not been solved completely. But the principles underlying it, the presence of the legal framework, the theoretical and statistical studies of various kinds of training programs and manuals, a variety of recommended methods and ways of working, as well as its intensity indicates a greater probability of success in the actual practice of the school.

The 6 Most Bingeable Language Learning Roku Channels

The 6 Most Bingeable Language Learning Roku Channels The 6 Most Bingeable Language Learning Roku Channels Watching stuff on Roku is entertaining but not always productive.Studying a language is productive but not always entertaining.But what if you want it both ways?Cant we have our fun and get fluent, too?Luckily, learning a language on Roku will help you do just that.The right Roku channels can give you essential language training with the click of the remote. Many of them offer highly immersive learning experiences all from your TV roomâ€"and many are even free.These six Roku channels will give you all the material you need to turn your TV into your new favorite learning device! Why Learn a Language on Roku?First, learning a language on Roku is convenient. Roku is a handheld, portable device, so you can use it to turn any TV into a language learning tool. Youll  instantly gain the benefits of learning a foreign language at home  (or at your parents house, an AirBnB, an empty waiting room, you name it).And its a very affordable little gadget!Plus, learning a language on Roku is more fun and relaxing  than learning through many other methods. No need for an office, desk and set of pencils. Youll be learning while watching TV and movies, maybe from your favorite couch with a cup of tea in hand.Since youll be comfortable and entertained, your motivation to keep learning will go up.Finally, Roku offers diverse learning techniques. There are specific resources for language learners, but there are also resources that can hook you up with authentic international content. With these international options, youll hear your target language in many different, entertaining contexts.This is the same idea behind FluentU, another great option for fun language learning. Like Roku, FluentU hooks you up with real-world target language videos (like movie and TV clips, music videos, inspiring talks and more).Better yet, each video is organized by level and comes with interactive captions, flashcards and exercises, so youre actively building your vocabulary while you watch.Being a c ouch potato is starting to sound pretty smart, isnt it?The 6 Most Bingeable Language Learning Roku ChannelsInnovative LanguageInnovative Languages Roku channel offers lessons that incorporate cultural information, grammar, popular vocabulary and more. Each lesson features conversations to illustrate key rules and phrases.Plus, lessons are delivered by native speakers to give you a more authentic experience.With over 40 hours of content per language, Innovative Language is appropriate for all levels of language learner and aims to get even beginning learners speaking within minutes.The Roku channel offers lessons for 30 different languages, including popular options like Chinese, French, German and Japanese, along with less common options like Cantonese, Finnish and Polish.For $0.99 a month, youll have access to one language. Aspiring polyglot? For $3.99 per month, you can access material for all the languages.If you like this Roku channel, you can keep learning even when youre away from your TV. Innovative Language also has a series of popular audio and video podcasts for targeted language learning.The team is always churning out new lessonsâ€"there are already more than 1,000 available on their SpanishPod101 and ChineseClass101 apps, among several others. They also offer PDF lesson notes and access to a worldwide language community for a varied, immersive learning experience.Just try not to get in too deep all at onceâ€"its important to sleep every few days.Little PimLittle Pim is a popular language learning system for children and anyone with a childlike sensibility.Since Little Pim is meant to be a convenient option, it should come as no surprise that in addition to apps, CDs, DVDs, flashcards and books, Little Pim also offers a  Roku channel.Designed for beginning students, Little Pim uses spaced repetition to teach key words and phrases at the optimal moment, making memorization easier and faster. Words are presented with associated images and animations to help learners connect the word or phrase with its meaning.Additionally, children are featured in many videos, which is engaging for kid learners and adorable for adult learners.There are a dozen popular languages offered.NetflixIf you like TV and movies, chances are that the very word Netflix fills you with an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment.And not only can Netflix fill the extra hours you have each day, it can also help you learn a language. Thats because Netflix offers tons of international movies and TV.To browse, all you have to do is select the International category and go to town. Otherwise, you can search your target language and browse from there. Once you watch one foreign-language program, Netflix will start suggesting plenty more, so youll never lack for options.For instance, Spanish learners will love compulsively viewable TV series, like El barco  (The Boat) and El internado  (The Boarding School), though you may get a little paranoid that someone is out to get you. Netflix is even producing original Spanish-language content now, including Club de cuervos  (Club of Crows) and Las chicas del cable  (Cable Girls).For French students, TV shows like Les témoins  (Witnesses) provide handy language practice. Netflix also has an original French series, Dix pour cent  (Call My Agent!).There are plenty of options for other languages, too. For instance, language students might dive into the German TV show Der gleiche Himmel  (The Same Sky), the Chinese movie  ??????  (Secret) or popular Japanese anime like ????????? ??????  (Pokémon: XY).Plus, Netflix offers fairly flexible captioning on Roku. By going to the options menu, you can choose to eliminate captions or set captions to English or your target language.This way, you can practice listening without assistance, enjoy your favorite international entertainment with English-language support or listen in your target language while being able to refer back to the printed words.Amazon Prime V ideoAmazon offers some free international content for any Prime subscriber, so if youre a sucker for free two-day shipping, you can also go ahead and enjoy some language learning on your Roku.While Amazons international selection isnt huge, it does have a few quality options. You can find them by browsing the foreign movies  or foreign TV  categories.Amazon Prime is particularly friendly to Russian learnersâ€"one TV show to get started with is ?????????  (Ekaterina).While the selection isnt as vast as Netflixs, Amazon does offer some unique choices you wont find elsewhere.HuluHulu may not have a lot for language learners on Roku, but it does have some nice options that you might want to consider.You can browse using the international TV and international movie categories. Unfortunately, these categories arent consistently browseable without an existing subscription.Hulu is perhaps best suited for anyone interested in Asian languages, since it offers a decent selection of material in Chinese, Japanese and Korean.For Chinese students, there are options like  ???? (Shaolin Soccer). Japanese students can enjoy movies like  ?????? (13 Assassins). Meanwhile, Korean learners might like  ?? (The Host).French learners might like the TV series Engrenages  (Spiral).If youre interested in Scandinavian languages, you might like the TV show Bron/Broen  (The Bridge), which is in Danish and Swedish.YouTubeYouTube is everyones favorite free source of kitten videos and makeup tutorials. But YouTube is so much more than that for language learners on Roku!YouTube has videos on virtually any language you can possibly think of and some you could never imagine. For instance, if youre looking for a little !Xóõ listening practice, YouTube is there for you, though trying to replicate the sounds could literally give you a lump in your throat.But between the free grammar lessons, vocabulary lists and authentic material, YouTube is a language learners dream come true!Make heavy use of t he search barâ€"just type in your target language plus the topic youre hoping to learn, or even broader keywords like grammar lesson or for beginners. You can also search for your hobbies or areas of interest with search terms in your target language for fun, free authentic content.Bonus: An International Roku Channel in Your Target LanguageThis isnt just one channel: its a bunch.Thats because there are quite a few  international Roku channels that focus on providing content from one specific region. You can select a region where your target language is spoken, download a channel that focuses on that region and enjoy learning material.For instance, learning Chinese, Japanese or Korean? Try DramaFever. Spanish more your speed? Chile TV en Vivo  (Chile Live TV) might be right up your alley.Learning a language doesnt need to feel like youre swimming upstream. With these Roku channels, youll be streaming your way to fluency in no time!And One More ThingIf youve made it this far, youre p robably pretty interested in video learning (and with good reason, its awesome!).So we thought wed offer you a more detailed look at FluentU.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, including movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive Transcripts You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.